About Created for ONE

ONE purpose

We all are created for ONE and for ONE purpose.  

First... at Created for ONE: 

We believe we were created by God and for God for the single purpose of glorifying Him and to enjoy Him forever.

We believe this one purpose of glorifying Him and enjoying Him can be expressed in all aspects of life as we go about our day with our families, with our relationships, at our work, with our studies, in the joys of life and the sufferings of life.

Second… We believe as we focus on glorifying God we in turn have a chance to honor, bless, and love others, therefore our gift boxes are created for ONE…YOU!

We have curated each gift box to bring glory to God and help you to do the same. Most gift boxes on the market are not long lasting and focus on immediate gratification. We strive to make our gift boxes pleasurable in the moment of receiving them but as well as having items that are lasting and can provide a lasting transformative impact for years to come.

Our hope is to curate gift boxes that are Christ-centered and spiritual formation focused for various occasions, so that the gift would have a lasting impact and not just something consumed momentarily.